PS Viesses Tu, Poesia, Sebastião da Gama

Viesses tu, Poesia,
e o mais estava certo.
Viesses no deserto,
viesses na tristeza,
viesses com a Morte...

Que alegria mereço, ou que pomar,
se os não justificar,
a tua vara mágica?

Bem sei: antes de ti foi a Mulher,
foi a Flor, foi o Fruto, foi a Água...
Mas tu é que disseste e os apontaste:
-- Eis a Mulher, a Água, a Flor, o Fruto.
E logo foram graça, aparição, presença,

(Sem ti, sem ti que fora
das rosas?)
Mortas, mortas pra sempre na primeira,
morta à primeira hora.)

          Ó Poesia!, viesses
          na hora desolada
          e regressara tudo
          à graça do princípio...
You came, Poetry,
and the most was right.
You came in the desert,
you would come in sadness,
you would come with Death ...

What joy I deserve, or what an orchard,
if you don't justify them,
your magic stick?

I know well: before you was the Woman,
it was the flower, it was the fruit, it was the water ...
But you said and pointed them out:
- Here is the Woman, the Water, the Flower, the Fruit.
And then it was grace, apparition, presence,

(Without you, without you
of roses?)
Dead, dead forever in the first,
dead at the first hour.)

           O Poetry!
           at desolate time
           and everything was back
           to the grace of the principle ...

You came, Poetry, and the most was right.
You came in the desert, you came in sadness, you came with Death ...
What joy do I deserve, or what orchard, if I don't justify them, Poetry, your magic stick?

I know: before you it was the Woman, it was the Flower, it was the Fruit, it was the Water ...
But you said and pointed them out:
- Here is the Woman, the Water, the Flower, the Fruit.
And then there was grace, apparition, presence, sign ...

(Without you, without you outside the roses?)
Dead, dead forever in the first, dead in the first hour.)
O Poetry! You came in the bleak hour and everything returned to the grace of the beginning ...


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Following 'Night Train to Lisbon'

Korean drama Vagabond, featuring Lisbon

Troubleshooting while staying comfortably at home.