o impostor, Sebastião da Gama

Lá porque eu tinha os loiros na cabeça
(os loiros que Ele deixara...
cair ao chão de onde sou ),
deram-me abraços, na praça,
chamaram-me poeta e até fizeram discursos ...

Ele, do Alto , sorriu
e ria
daquela tragicomédia
dos meus ares de arlequim.

Mas consegui fugir ao seu olhar ...

Por fim,
acreditava, tanto como os outros,
que as palmas eram para mim .

Because I had blondes in my head
(the blonds that He left ...
fall to the floor where I am from),
they gave me hugs, in the square,
they called me a poet and even gave speeches ...

He, from Above, smiled
and laugh
that tragicomedy
of my harlequin look.

But I managed to escape his gaze ...

believed, as much as the others,
that the palms were for me.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Following 'Night Train to Lisbon'

Korean drama Vagabond, featuring Lisbon

Troubleshooting while staying comfortably at home.