Wise words

Only one more episode to go
but I have been busy taking classes in Portuguese.

When I am done with the series
now I am thinking of writing in Portuguese to improve my Portuguese.

I am kind of good at reading and listening
but speaking and writing are no good. 

Practice makes perfect!!
So I believe in myself.

One of my friends sent me these wise words
"Se um ovo se rompe por uma força exterior - a vida termina.
Mas se ele se rompe por uma força interior - a vida começa
Grandes coisas começam a partir de seu interior."

If an eggs is broken from the outside fore, the life is done.
But if it is broken from the inside force, the life begins.
Big things start from your inside.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Following 'Night Train to Lisbon'

Korean drama Vagabond, featuring Lisbon

Troubleshooting while staying comfortably at home.