how the secret recipe of egg tarte got out of the monastery

Patel de nata, aka, egg tarte is my favorite dessert here in Portugal.
Almost all the visitors love it.

They line up to enjoy this delicacy at Pasteis de Belem in the Belem district.
Whenever I go there, I see a lot of people standing in line even on off-season.

Starting March, more and more people
come to Portugal to enjoy the delicious Portuguese food.
So to enjoy the delicacy, I always go there early in the morning
when there is no line.
The owner didn't invent the secret recipe.
Actually the owner's ancestor bought it from the monastery.

You see the statue of Pedro IV on Rossio square,
and not many Portuguese seem to like D. Pedro IV.
From the history DVD I bought.

When he decided to stay in Brazil as an emperor,
he asked his brother Miguel to marry his daughter Maria II
and take care of her until she became an adult.
But Miguel decided to become the king himself.

When there was a civil war between Miguel and Pedro IV,
monasteries sided with Miguel.
In the end, Pedro IV won and his daughter Maria II became the queen.

And in the end, D. Maria II married the German Frenando
who built the famous Pena Palace for her.

More than 500 monasteries that sided with Miguel also were dismantled.
And their riches got seized by the state.
At the helm of this act was ​Joaquim Antonio de Aguiar,
whose statue you can see in Coimbra.

 ​Joaquim Antonio de Aguiar in Coimbra
Not having enough money to survive,
they had to sell the secret recipe.


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