Celebrating 23 winners of Nobel Awards of Literature

Silence and Memory.
What a cool title~

From 10 Dec 2018 till 24 Feb 2019, one of Lisbon Museums, Torreão Poente was supposed to hold the exhibition called Silence and Memory.
And thankfully, they decided to extend the exhibition until March 2nd.

So you have a last chance to visit this wonderful and memorable place.
When I got there, I was the only one appreciating all the info.
It's such a pity that there is not enough publicity about this kind of events.

The first room you enter introduces you to Jose Saramago(winner in 1998), Toni Morrison(winner in 1993) and Patrick Modiano(in 2014).

There are comfortable chairs and a table full of books.
You can take a look at some of Nobel awards winning books.

Even if your native language is not Portuguese, don't worry.
The man there provided me a laminated English version, so
I had no trouble understanding everything.

I liked this phrase below by Jose Saramago best.

So I introduced this to my fellow Koreans in my Korean blog.
As English and Korean are very very different,
some interpreted this as 'In the end we always arrive at the place where we expect."

That made me think what if it was phrased as more literally
like "In the end, we always arrive at the place where they wait for us."

Most people visiting Portugal may speak English
but the language may not be their mother tongue.
So in some cases, it is easy to get lost in translation.
Maybe more direct translation might work better.

In case you wonder where Torreão Poente is,
it is on Comercio Square at the west wing.


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