At Comercio Square, I wonder what Ribeira Palace would be like without the earthquake.

With a Lisboa card,
a wonderful starting point of your trip can be at the Story Center.
It tells you the stories and memories of Lisbon.

At Comercio Square(Praça do Comércio), you can see the statue of Jose I

Don't miss Lisboa Story Centre to find more about Lisbon.

The Story Center is at the Comercio Square, Praça do Comércio.
It's also called Terreiro do Paço, meaning Palace yard.
Sounds familiar?
The metro stop right next to the Story Center is named after it.

Without the earthquake which destroyed most of Lisbon,
the city would have Ribeira Palace at the Comercio Square
with a royal library full of precious books and records of the glorious Portuguese past.

pictures featuring Ribeira Palace from Pimenta Museum

The Palace was made by Manuel I.
So if it were here now, people would line up to see Ribeira Palace
as they do at Jerominos Monasetry.

With all the gold coming from Brazil,
the royal family collected priceless artworks from all over the world.
But now they are all gone because of the earthquake.

I sometimes wonder
what it would be like had it not been for that earthquake.
This beautiful city would be the most unparalleled one in Europe.


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