'Passagem de Ano' in Lisbon

It's the end of the year. If you are visiting New York, right now you are headed to Time Square to watch the balldrop. You might wonder what the balldrop is and why they do it. If so, here is the info. In Lisbon, many people go to Comercio Square (Praça do Comércio) to celebrate. It's a wonderful place to say farewell to 2018 while watching fireworks. There is also live show you can enjoy, too. The festivities have been going on since 29th and today the last day of 2018 the live show will be on at 10 p.m. Right after finishing this story, I am heading to Praça do Comércio, too. You can usually access the square through Terreiro do Paço metro station . However on New Year's eve, it is closed. So it'd be better to get off at Baixa-Chiado metro station and walk up there. The announcements of Lisbon metro are usually in Portuguese, so if you don't speak the language, it's safe to follow the crowd. Whereve...